Sometimes dive companies can help each other out with mutually beneficial relationships as the following chat demonstrates:
[Phuket Dive Company / Website Designers] Myself and the dive centre owners were always amazed at how successful he is so cant take that away from him, as you probably know I’m doing some work for him on the websites and passing IDC potential candidates to him (nearly passed him 600 now!) so hopefully this will mean you and him will be busy filling up Palm Garden’s classrooms with more Instructors that want to live the diving life for a month or three.
Met the PADI Course Director with his other half the other day and was good to catch up on what was happening with people and the changes that have happened in Chalong, and was good to hear you are working on IDCs with him. Does he still throw sickies during his IDCs or has getting a new snorkel helped him avoid the horrible illnesses he easily picked up.
Dive Community is as you probably know ‘no longer operational’ and I see that the building is shortly to be turned into guest rooms so the lodgers that are currently living there will be moving out soon.
If you want to write a unique article about your product with a unique photo I will post it on Idc guide for you, 300+ words should be good, just looking at the website did you know the first paypal button isn’t correct (the other two look ok when clicked on) if you want to link to the product page within your article I think it would be good to put a link to IDC Guide somewhere on your website – more than happy for you to say what you want – Perhaps have a news article about your company becoming the ‘IDC Guide’ approved Suunto repairer and accessory supplier? IDC Guide gets many thousands of visitors per month now so this will be good for you I hope.
[Dive Equipment Company] Yeah sure I can put a link to your site on the news page and a permanent one on the links page. I’ll check out the pay pal button as well, it seems to be working though, have had a LOT of orders from it. But your a web guy, so I’ll take your word for it.
Do you want a Delicious Webdesign link on there as well?
I also have 6 pair of the D6’s with a PVD coating, and I’m making a page to sell them separately at 100 USD a set, and giving the extra 35 USD to project aware.
I just have to speak to PADI first to see if there would be any problems, and to figure out how the people that buy these can get the receipt in their own name and that way it’s a tax deduction ad well.
[Phuket Dive Company / Website Designers] Regarding the links, having a link on your site would be great – To make that official I would offer to get one of my guys to spend a couple of hours on your site ‘tidying it up’ perhaps removing all the xhtml errors and giving you an updated banner / logo ?
[Dive Equipment Company]Well That would be great mate, but I’ve put everything in to getting these adapters made, and they are selling well, but you know what it’s like over here, between the cost of keeping your business up, taxes, I have to do my yearly Visa soon… I’m afraid to spend what little I have. What I meant was that I would be happy just to list your web design company on the links page, because you do excellent work. I’m not looking to “get anything” here, I just like to have links to websites I actually believe in on the site, and your company does good work. Plain and simple, if they go to you because I recommended your site, that only makes “me” look good, we can always use help in that area